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contains too much of Personal Stuff

A new Dorohedoro & Daidark website core has been reborn...
This Website is not Suitable For Children!
contains too much of Personal Stuff
Welcome to my Q Hayashida Fun Website. I made the aesthetic myself! almost 80% it is handmade (from the laptop, to the code, to the app).
My name is Kaiman! i use He/Him Pronouns
I'm a 18-year-old student, like to draw, and enjoy having fun watching YouTube videos.
I am a fan of Q Hayashida, and my current favorite manga is Daidark. My favorite character is Barge from the Underground Underground Oneshot. Please check out the Barge shrine I made!
About Me
Fav Artist Recomendation!
Little Pet
HTML help
its been quite since i read the Dorohedoro Comic. im still a new Fan but Im Liking Q Hayashida Beutiful Artwork very Much! the recent chapter of Daidark was awesome, we were revealed on something much bigger and promised something greater in the next Chapter
Not to mention the upcoming Dorohedoro Season 2, and also the released of Noi Doll by Threezero! its been a great Year!
i hope to see what will it be for it, wish you well Hayashida Sensei!
i also hoping she didnt came across my Barge Mania website, i dont know what to say to her if she founds out
From the manga “Dorohedoro”, threezero is pleased to announce the FigZero Noi! Pre-order on 29 Aug at 9am HKT (28 Aug at 9pm EDT), at threezero Store, threezero Tmall, and distribution partners worldwide!
Store LinkMy Very Own Special Story! what ever happen if the world was Nuked and Half of Humanity died?
Zako Has been getting a repeating Nightmare and decided to look for a Memory ghost to find out whats wrong with him!
in the end he get sucked in into someone else business! what ever will he do Next?!
Humans, Ghost, And Robots! Find out what happened in Here!